Kevin Wikse's 2014 prediction of COVID-19 with Buer's Prophecy and Evidentiary Citation of Claims by Kevin Wikse

 Kevin Wikse Buer Prophecy

I start with my usual shameless self-aggrandizements, sprinkle in some lesser-known information about myself, add a pinch of gratitude, and then get to the heart of the matter. I then finish with some sweet and delectable words of encouragement. 



If you don't know by now, I am a legitimately practicing Ceremonial Magician, an Adeptus Major of the Arcane, and welcomed within the deeper secrets of Haitian Voudo through the Makaya Society. As suspected, or flat out known by most of you, I was who channeled the fiery Marsarian spirit known publically as "Bear Heart," but whose real identity will remain secret. 

My work with the occult is vast. Since 2009, I significantly changed and impacted the landscape of the modern occult world in ways that are still being felt. My Godfather, a Hougan Asogwe (Priest) of Haitian Voudu, bestowed on me the secretive "Shed of Rebellion," an Ogun and Petro Nation combined Voudu rite of Fire, Iron and Blood. A practice I have NEVER taught anyone else, serving as my point into the powers of Voudu. My Godfather also instructed me in the authentic teachings of King Solomon's Magic and, at the end of his boot, inspired me to excellence. 

I have performed thousands of consultations, readings, and conjurations, archiving novels of one-of-a-kind information online via blogs or videos, only to have whole volumes of my work deleted or barred from access. I am the most banned occultist on the internet and for the right reasons. My work strikes at the heart of NWO, the Global Pedophile Network, and has accurately predicted, forecasted, and prophesized world-changing events YEARS before they happened. 

All of it, to the angst and chagrin of those who thought they could oppose me (my wheels didn't register even a bump as I ran over them), these predictions are all thoroughly documented, time-stamped, and publicly available to test the validity of my claims. Link HERE.

My Spiritual Temple, the Temple of the Machete/Shed of Rebellion, is the only congregation of magicians, spiritists, and occultists who can rightly lay claim to a tradition that, while all others were disturbingly silent and even still seem to have nothing to say, warned about an upcoming pandemic, global lock downs weaponized vaccinations, nanotechnology, 5G, CERN, the current "cold" invasion of America headed by the CCP through the Southern Border, The Border Crisis, and the likely future civil war, weaponized Ebola and measles release, UFO disclosure and the Magnetic Pole Shift (to name a few). 

I could not do this alone. 

PLEASE, IF YOU MADE AND MAINTAIN THIS BACKUP BLOG, CONTACT ME. My old Bear Heart/GOODS blog is no longer accessible (it hasn't been in nearly ten years). 

With all my work, including for private groups and governmental figures, and my whole blogs being censored, I can easily forget some of the things I have done—case in point: 

The Buer Prophecy. 

In 2014, the Goetic Demon, Buer, from the Lesser Key of Solomon or Ars Goetia, laid out that an Ebola/Influenza GLOBAL pandemic was on the horizon, as in being currently (at the time of 2014) discussed and planned. That GLOBAL lockdown would be the result, and the pandemic would be used as justification to try and force a DNA-altering vaccine (already in existence) into the world citizens for mass sterilization, mind control, and depopulation. 

It sounds like Buer was on to something...

I even documented that I was considering conjuring Guland and consulting that demonic intelligence for more information about this pandemic. Well, and we all know what happened with Guland in 2015! But in 2014, Buer was giving this same warning!!! 

Here are my posts. 

They were uploaded to a backup Blog in 2016, four years BEFORE the COVID-19 pandemic. As always, I will include links; I have taken screenshots and saved them to external hard drives, and backups to the backup blog are currently being made. 

Any notations made in "bold" were created by me at the time of this blog post (2/22/24). However, they do not appear in the original posts; they are now on the backup blog. 

Evidence for Claim #1 (Link HERE)

Friday 29 January 2016 (the date posted on the backup blog, again still FOUR years from COVID-19)

A message of caution form Buer of the 72 spirits of the Ars Goetia, and a potion recipe. 

03/27/14--23:16 (the original posting date to the GOODS blog). 

A message of caution form Buer of the 72 spirits of the Ars Goetia, and a potion recipe.

A channeled message from Buer....

"They will wait till the end of winter, when all are wearily, weakened, and ready for the Sun. They will bring back the cold, the snow, and darken the skies right when the spring is meant to be sprung. Those weak, weary and ready for warmth, will once more face the frost, and with the cold will come the release of a timely new influenza… and it will hit them unaware and unprepared… defenseless" 

I am not an alarmist, or a doom-sayer. The message above came as a warning of what is a strong possibility and what has/is a very real potential that is being discussed within Illuminati circles. They want people sick, and a flu strain introduced that will justify vaccinations which will serve to make people sicker, sterilize them and piggy-back genetically modified DNA into their DNA strand to re-make them into something "other" then a happy, health human beings. The bio-tech and weather modification tech exists to do just this.

*2/22/2024 Buer is clearly speaking about the planned release of a weaponized virus being discussed, the purposeful darkening of our skies to prevent the Sun's natural Vitamin D from reaching us by terraforming and weather manipulation (Operation Dark Winter?), and using the virus as justification to force a weaponized, DNA altering, gene splicing vaccine, to make humans, no longer human, and no longer under the protection of "human rights." 

Buer served up a potion for me that he believes can serve to fight the effects of this or any other cold or flu.

I of course cannot prescribe you to do anything, but I can share what I myself will be doing for me.

Into an 8 ounce jar, or bottle I place:

1. Four (4) lightly bruised cloves of garlic.

2. Three (3) slightly crushed spicy DRIED red chilies.

3. One (1) heaping spoonful of cinnamon.

4. One (1) heaping spoonful of DRIED rosemary.

5. One (1) heaping spoonful of powdered sage.

Over all this I pour over 7-8 ounces of honey. Then I close the lid to the jar, or bottle tightly.

I set the jar, or bottle in a warm dark place for two (2) weeks.

When I begin to feel sick, run down, or low on energy I take one (1) large spoonful of the herbal infused honey. I place the honey laden spoon into a cup. I squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the cup, and over that pour boiling water. With the spoon I stir the mixture while chanting Buer's name at least nine (9) times.

I drink slowly.

I drink twice a day until I begin to feel better.

You of course should only do what your own conscious dictates.

-Uncle Bearheart 

(2/22/2024, Buer, similar to my future 9/24/15 consult with the demon Haristum, provides the recipe for a philter or potion to fight respiratory infections. Link HERE.)

Evidence for Claim #2 (Link HERE)

Friday 29 January 2016 (the date posted on the backup blog, again still FOUR years from COVID-19)

Ebola, Buer and session predictions.

10/11/14--09:56: (the date I originally posted this to the GOODS blog)

Ebola, Buer and session predications.

They will wait till the end of winter, when all are wearily, weakened, and ready for the sun. They will bring back the cold, the snow, and darken the skies right when the spring is meant to be sprung. Those weak, weary and ready for warmth, will once more face the frost, and with the cold will come the release of a timely new influenza… and it will hit them unaware and unprepared… defenseless”

-The Goetic Spirit Buer in consultation session with BearHeart 3/25/2014 posted on 3/27/2014 on the blog.

I can’t say for sure, but I think as a number of you, that Buer gave forewarning of the staged and manufactured Ebola “pandemic”.

In my blog post on 3-27-2014, I echo some of Buer’s warning that a vaccine (already created even then) would be forced unto the public, using a pandemic as justification. 

“The message above came as a warning of what is a strong possibility and what has/is a very real potential that is being discussed within Illuminati circles. They want people sick, and a flu strain introduced that will justify vaccinations which will serve to make people sicker, sterilize them and piggy-back genetically modified DNA into their DNA strand to re-make them into something “other” then a happy, health human beings. The bio-tech and weather modification tech exists to do just this.”

-BearHeart 3/27/2014

Ebola is companied by Flu-like symptoms, and I believe (as the Goetia Spirits always do) Buer was speaking in “multi-meaning “, asinfluenza (where we get the word “Flu”) actually has a magical origin as also meaning “astral attack”. 

Buer also mentioned that “Black tounged will walk, and spread their lies”. That I never published until now. 

Working with that statement, I can see parallels between Ebola and the Black Plague, as well as men/agents who spread the disease on purpose (like the Black Robes seen during the plague), as well as the disease it’s self being made to be even contagious…thus a “walking” plague. 

Some of his predictions might have even linked the ISIS hoax, with using the Ebola virus as a weapon, they also dress in black. 

Two days ago, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told The Canadian Press that it’s “quite conceivable, if not likely” that fast-tracked Ebola vaccines may have to given to entire countries to get the viral outbreak under control (via Modern Healthcare).

(HOLY FUCK In 2014, Buer was already directing my attention to Dr. Fauci and an early suggestion for a global vaccination program!!!! Just as Buer said, the plan was being discussed!!! DAMN! Glory to God and the keeping of my covenant seal of Solomon with the Almighty!)

I must say only for myself, that I would refuse by all the strength of my being, a vaccination for Ebola, and especially one being forced against me….

(I kept with that! I remain unvaxxed and unmasked!)

There was more that Buer told me on 3/25/2014, but at the time, I decided not to post it. It was alarmist and I am not a dooms-day speaker. However, now I am re-considering making all Buer said public. 

In working with Buer he says that he stands by the recipe he gave. He also recommends beets, onions, celery, garlic, hot peppers, and sweet potatoes as heavy staples in one’s diet as these will as Buer says 

Shall make robust the constitution, of any one or any country who consumes the virtues of and extols the richness of their mother’s milk”. 

I believe that towards the end of winter we could see very strange weather, making it colder, and darker than usual (Weather modification). I believe that the flu season could be much worse, and that any vaccination will used to make such “influenza” more dangerous and potent, and not actually protect someone against it. There could also be an attempt at a Militarized lock down of the population as in trying to place whole populations under quarantine. 

(Military lockdowns of the population and populations under quarantines.)

This could be an attempt to incubate a new strain of Flu, and or Ebola.

As Buer stated, “The sound of boots and shouts, sirens and wails, shall force the healthy and the sick into docile cages. The sick will soon outnumber the healthy, and in such close proximity, the poisoned medicine from dirty needles will mingle with the bugs of the sick, and a centipede both vast and horrible shall hatch from a toxic egg, warmed by the glow, bursting with a fell gust of wind”. 

("The poisoned medicine from dirty needles" indicates the weaponized vaccine and the mutation of viral strains it caused. "bursting with a fell gust of wind." This is an early mention of Guland's 2015 Fell Wind Prophecy?! Link HERE)

Does Radiation (Fukashima) play a role is mutating diseases (toxic egg warmed by the glow)?

Again…no matter what… never be fearful. Always be courageous. I am not trying to fear monger, but I am saying something might really be happening here, and people need to be emotionally, spiritually, and physically ready to weather any storm.

I have been working on the Telsa/Surgat project and that seems to be yielding good results, but I think I will confer with Buer in the next couple days and publish the session I had with him in its entirety. 

-Uncle BearHeart (Kevin Wikse)

Evidence for Claim #3 (Link HERE).

Friday 29 January 2016 (the date posted on the backup blog, again still FOUR years from COVID-19)

Buer & Ebola prophecy continuation

10/16/14--19:59:(the date I originally posted this to the GOODS blog)

Buer & Ebola prophecy continuation

In the next few days I will be doing a major work with the Goetic spirit #10 of the Ars Goetia “Buer” and attempt to coax yet another prophecy concerning Ebola out of him. I will also be adding the entirety of the first prophecy he passed on through me in a medium session back in March 2014 to the blog for public reading as well. A prophecy that many of you have said predicted the present Ebola-hoax-scare-power grab-potential global lock down, and in looking it over I am ready to say I concur. 

Buer’s original prophecy matches up startlingly well with the current global situation. 

In one stanza Buer says, “a counsel of foreign puppets who dangle from nooses of string dance to music for which there is no tune when pulled taught by shadowed hands. From these mouths will spill out the words of well kept monsters with rancid desires, words heavy with Saturn’s ultimatum to the tillers of Terra. The sheep will bay to the mysterious music, and file in step to the final solution”. 

This could be telling of the UN’s recent declaration, “the world has just 60 days to get Ebola under control, of face an unprecedented situation for which we don’t have a plan”.

I think the foreign puppets means the UN, and “dance to music for which there is no tune”, says that their no “official” plan to the give the public, but there is a movement set into motion that is a hidden agenda like “mysterious music”. 

Heavy with Saturn’s ultimatum to the tillers of Terra”, seems to point towards the 60 days those foreign puppets at the UN gave to the people of the world. 

(Again, we see the formulation of what COVID-19 would become, testing strategies, and table gaming scenarios in which a great re-set could be successful. I intuitively know that this WOULD have happened had Hilary Clinton been president in 2016. Trump was such a monkey wrench to their plans that he bought us four years of breathing room. To him, for that, I am eternally grateful.)

And “sheep will bay to the mysterious music, and file in step to the final solution”, I feel is indication that most of the population will go along with the “plan” that suddenly emerges to save the world, even though it shall be gravely detrimental. 

(This, of course, is EXACTLY what happened in 2020. The "go along to get along" crowd who need to bare the repercussions of their cowardice and those commie traitor liberal fucks who were so eager to prove what good like chattel slaves they could be. They deserve NO forgiveness. They were ok with you going to concentration camps, getting forced inoculated, not being able to work or buy food, and having your children taken away ARE what the Nazis were. Fuck them forever.) 

I do wonder at Buer’s use of the word “counsel” rather than “council”. All goetic spirit speech is many-layered, and never without purpose. 

I will also be asking the Goetic spirit Guland what role he played (if any) in this, and if he has some prophecy or advice to give concerning the matter.

(Oh fuck, you better believe Guland did!!!! Link HERE)

As a priest of Palo Mayombe I am able to call out to Cubayende, the M’pungo of diseases, plagues, and epidemics, as well as healing, and compassion. I will see what he will offer and if I can make that public. 

My feeling is that this is a hoax, ready to go live. Swine Flu, like Y2K, was a beta-test for a larger psy-op. 

(A beta test for a larger psyop! You fucking bet. The beta-test for 2020!)

I feel that failures of Sandy Hook, the Colorado Theater shooting, and LAX debacle to get America to give up its second amendment rights has placed the Illuminati is a desperate situation.

They are many years behind their stated goal of full spectrum world domination. A global pandemic could be what they need to dissolve sovereignty, and declare “emergency powers” which would effectively (albeit illegally) nullify constitutional powers and the bill of rights. 

(A global pandemic to usher in a medical tyranny! Again, I posted this 20-fucking-14!)

This might also be the time when Alien disclosure occurs, as extraterrestrial influences come to “save” us from Ebola, and the idiot masses embrace them as outer space Jesuses… however… that is NOT something Buer has prophesied (or at least not as I can tell) and I am merely speculating. 

(Interestingly, UFOs and Aliens, or UAP, started having more open congressional hearings the closer we got to 2020 and beyond.) 

There seems to be a big ramp up to something, and using this Ebola manipulated pandemic to lock down the world I feel is for a much more disturbing event on the horizon. So disturbing that the whole world could openly revolt in response and they want us bound, unable to act. 

(Again, global lockdowns.)

Look for US government to green light travelers into America who have Ebola, and I am being told by a spirit, and by the Goetic spirit Buer that there are individuals being secretly exposed to Ebola, and even willingly infected, who will carry the virus into large populated centers. These “purposeful carries”, will come up from Mexico, and east from Africa. 

(Early mentioning of the border crisis.... and you all know how scary and accurate I have been with this, especially concerning the CCP. In fact, nobody had even mentioned the CCP cold invasion from the US Border before me. I was WAY ahead of anyone else.)

Look for more hospital-Ebola issues also. Ebola spreads best is areas that are confined, and the potential hosts are already having comprised immune systems i.e. sick. 

(And what the fuck happened in all those nursing homes and hospitals, especially in New York City? Yeah.... I called it.)

What can you do? 

Remain vigilant and aware. Note what the media is saying day to day and do your best to track where these outbreaks are occurring. Empower your own immune systems. Do not panic, stay sharp and stay informed. Do not accept any “global solutions”, as this is THE solution being offered after the Problem-Reaction which was purposely set into motion. 

(This is what the majority of the fucking sheep of this world SHOULD have done, and what the brave and honorable did.)

Get closer with friends and family. 

Eat lots of beets, garlic, celery, hot peppers, etc (listed on other blog entries) to combat illness. 

As for moving to somewhere safe, honestly, I don’t think there is a “safe zone”, so network and make new friends where you are.

However is things get really, really bad… the Pacific Northwest is nice. 

Just saying. 

More to come on this. 

(Better late than never.)

-Uncle Bear Heart (Kevin Wikse)

NO other occult work in modern human history has accurately and since 2014 laid out the blueprint for what would be the 2020 COVID-19 staged pandemic and set the stage for the upcoming planned pandemics. 

My place at the very top of the occult world has unquestionably cemented. 

I am THE King Solomon of our age (I've earned this title. No one else in modern society has done this level of occult work, and that is just a fact. It is also just fun for me to say. Last, from the feedback I have received, it angers specific individuals so vehemently they are driven to bat shit-insane behaviors. These are not good people by any metric. They would love to attack me publically, but that would just advertise my work to larger and larger audiences. Because I document everything, everyone who reads my claims discovers, like it or not, I am the real fucking deal. This amuses me to no end.) 

So, I am THE King Solomon of our age. However, I believe that many of you could say the same one day. I believe in humanity. As someone authentically FULLY committed to his "Great Work," and through this one-of-a-kind achievement, I have realized an essential component of it, I must next look to others and help them achieve theirs. If my people do not attain more and greater than me, I am, for all my successes, only mediocre in the eyes of God. 

-Kevin Wikse, Adeptus Major of the Arcane and the King Solomon of our age. 

Kevin Wikse Predicts


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